
  • 100% Monthly Fee waive for the distinction holder in +2 or PCL Board Examination.
  • 100% Monthly Fee waive for the first topper and 50% Monthly Fee waive for the second and the third topper from each faculty of Bagiswori College
  • 25-100% Monthly fee waive for the poor and intelligent students and for those who maintain impressive results in the internal examinations.
  • Two Months Fee and Admission fee waive in BA 1st year for the students who pass +2 from Bagiswori Higher Secondary School
  • Admission fee waive for the 1st division holders from any academic institution

Evaluation Process

  • Bagiswori College undertakes the following steps for the evaluation of the students.
  • It assings various term papers, home and classroom assignments which should be completed within the stipulated time frame
  • It conducts two terminals and one pre-board test. Students must attend all these internal examinations/tests in order to appear in TU Board Examination
  • Students should maintain 90% of the total class attendance
  • It strictly prefers the maintainance of discipline (in uniform, manner and regularity) by the students